Tuesday, March 9, 2010

The devil made me do it

Yesterday we (ladybug and I) ventured out to purchase a new car seat for baby in utero.
Not sure if she just was cluing me into the fact that she didn't want a baby brother, or what. She threw the BIGGEST tantrum ever inside the store. I pretty much just ignored it as much as possible. But, when your child stops dead in their tracks and screams "mommy!" like she is being murdered...you feel a civil obligation to everyone in earshot (which had to have been all of Fred Meyer) to try and calm her down. It helped, but only a little.

Anyway, we continued to the library where the same thing happened down in the children's area. It ended with me (a 7 month pregnant lady) carrying ladybug (3 years old and 40lbs) kicking and screaming out the library doors. Really, if I was an onlooker I probably would have guessed kidnapping.

Last night after dinner, we decided to open the car seat and look at it/assemble it. The kids all thought that was fun. I told ladybug to go and get a baby doll so we could practice buckling it in.
This is what she brought over to strap in...

Hmm. A devil singing and dancing to "hot blooded".

Lesson for the day: even if the singing/dancing satan toy is only .99 cents on the valentine's clearance rack, it's probably not the best option for a 3 year old. It may become her favorite doll.


Chelsea said...

Hahahaha...she is the FUNNIEST!!! I love her!

Nancy H. said...

That's my Granddaughter!!!

Lor said...

i found this blog during school & i was reading out loud.the whole class was laughing.love this stuff!

dyanna said...

Your blog is really interesting.I'm waiting for your new post.
Have a nice day.

Chandana said...
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cfoxes33 said...

That is hysterical.